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Foam Roofing Repair and Installation

Cleaning Up Damaged Foam Roof

Spray Polyurethane Foam (SPF) is a second coat of protection for metal roofs, while creating a slope for the drainage system and building thermal resistance for the home against extremely cold weather and other chilly disturbances.

An SPF-based foam roofing system functions like the home’s shield in various ways.  It weatherproofs the house against the bad elements of a climate or a season gone bad. A properly foam roof installation shelters the roof from artificial damages and is made to be fire-resistant enough to help deter the spread of flames into other parts of the house should these break out in a fire accident.


SPF-based roof systems use various kinds of coating such as:

  • Acrylic
  • Aliphatic Polyurethane Elastomer
  • Aromatic Polyurethane Elastomer
  • Butyl Rubber
  • Hypalon
  • Modified Polyurethane Elastomer
  • Silicone

SPF-based roofing systems are famous for their durability, longevity, strength, and imperviousness to the harshest attacks.  Their material, the foam, also provides an aesthetic value that makes the home look even more pleasant to look at.

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  • Still, SPF-based roofs have to be inspected occasionally to ensure that their strength has held against the strongest opponents.  It is like having a champion go through his regular medical exams.  One of the threats that can penetrate an SPF-roof and pierce through its coating to wreak damage on the actual roof is ultra-violet rays.We provide an assessment of your SPF-room to check whether any damage has occurred.  We repair gaps and refill coatings that have thinned or deteriorated.For first-time installation, we craft a design that will fit the SPF-system perfectly on your roof, strengthening the defenses it provides to your home.  We also provide the right material that also blends well with the overall appearance of your house to highlight its natural attractiveness.